Ultra Thin Client Technology
Absolute security, no BIOS, no OS, no file management

European Thin Client manufacturer

Company presentation

The Company

AXEL is a European company located in the Paris region and a thin client specialist for over 30 years.

AXEL designs and manufactures in France a range of thin clients based on its unique technology called Ultra Thin Client.

Inventor of the "thin client" concept in the 90s, with more than 800,000 products sold to date, Axel is today recognized as a true reference in the field.

A company on a human scale, we listen to your needs, our products also evolve thanks to our customers!

Our ADN ...

Ultra Thin Client technology.

This technology gives our products a real economic and technical advantage, all manufactured with deep respect for the environment. It is both a production philosophy and a unique development method.
Our teams have always worked with two objectives in mind: total control of the product and simplicity of implementation.

Ultra Thin Client Technology is undoubtedly the guarantee of reliability, security and longevity of our products.

Sales policy

As a manufacturer, we do not sell directly to end customers.

We rely on a large network of resellers or IT service companies who recommend and resell our products to end customers.

In addition to our subsidiaries, we have official distributors in Europe and the rest of the world.

Our History

AXEL is a French company created in 1981 and dedicated to thin clients since 1989.

French headquarter :
 Z.A. Courtaboeuf - 14 Avenue du Québec - Bat KENTIA - BP 728 - 91962 Les ULIS Cedex
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